About Homeopathy

SPHQ Web Series on Homeopathy


‘It is the biggest myth about homeopathy that people get the impression there is no scientific evidence or research…’ Is there any research on the effectiveness of homeopathy?

Rachel Roberts and Alexander Tournier, from the Institute for Research on Homeopathy, comment on research in homeopathy.

History of Homeopathy

This episode deals with the history of homeopathy with Georges Arragon.


This episode brings to light different testimonies of patients who have already used homeopathy.

Homeopathy and Integrative Medicine

Examples of how homeopathy benefits the integrative medicine vision where patients’ health comes first.

Homeopathy: between facts and fiction

This episode will present the evolution of homeopathy in Canada and in the world.

Homeopathy: between fact and fiction

This episode presents the manufacture of homeopathic medicines.