Canadians for Homeopathy

OUR MISSION: Educate Canadians about the value and appropriate use of homeopathy for the improvement of their health and well-being. OUR VISION: Bringing the health benefits of homeopathy to all Canadians. OUR VALUES: Personalized, ethical, quality care supported by...

HomeoEd – Homeopathy for All

Empowering individuals to use homeopathy at home, safely and effectively, for the whole family. Instilling the fundamental pillars of health and wellbeing, grounded in nature and homeopathic principles. Transforming the lives of people and animals through homeopathy....

CORRECTION: Revised link for password reset

The link to reset the password was incorrect. Please go to and select the Forgot your password? link. Also, please note, the directory and your member login are not connected. If you have changes to the directory, they need to go...

Test Newsletter

This is a featured post test to see when the newsletter will send. Not very exciting and not worth the time reading this. So you can go on your merry way knowing there is nothing to see here. All posts below this one are VERY old and can also be ignored. New and...